We choose South-Africa because of the rich amount of different kind of landscapes and we like to know more about (post-)apartheid. Political violence seems to be a thing of the past, so now it was the right time to visit this place. For me it was the first time to visit the RSA. I see this country as the gate way to Africa, here some reasons: the infrastructure is very good (the best of whole Africa), the climate is kind, most people speak English and/or South-African (which is like Dutch).
During our 3 weeks trip we stayed most of the time on campsites. But when the weather was too bad we went to backpackers places. Campsites are quite easy to find, in most national parks there are camping facilities. It is important to ask local people what kind of facilities the campsite has. Because some times there is no shop for food or no electricity.
The South-African people are very nice. They always like to talk with you about there country, culture and apartheid. The call the RSA a rainbow country because of the number of races. The population is divided in the following way:
75% black, 13% white (60% of whites are of Afrikaner descent, most of the rest are of British descent), 8% mixed race, 3% of Indian descent. Some of them are very poor and live in townships, so the crime rates in some areas call for caution. But South-Africa's natural beauty and nation-building enthusiasm make it a great place to visit. I like it very much and here by I will thank all the kind people where I spoke with.
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