Practical Info Australia (Oz for locals)
Travel documents / Money
Passport was enough for people from the Netherlands (6 monts valid).
Visa was needed. This can be obtained via the internet, but our travel agent
gave it with the tickets.
European bank card with code are generally accepted by ATMs. ATM are available in very
town where shops are. But credit card is much easier to pay. Keep some cash as a reserve.
Aircraft: Amsterdam - Viena - Singapore - Melbourne
Carrier: Austria air
Regulations for bike: 60 euro one way for the bike. Bike boxes available at Schiphol and Melbourne.
At melbourne the size of the bike box was much smaller that normal this took us some more time to fit the bike in the box.
It was a Quantas bike box dim: lxhxw=124x79x29 4.2kg. When flying with austrian air take a print out with you describing the
regulations for taking the bike. At Melbourne Int airport the checkin girls are not very informed about taking the bike into the aircraft
so she said that's A$ 800 for your excess luggage. Then a copy of the regulations will help alot to convence them (see austrian website).
I took in total 36 kg with me. 15kg bike, 15 kg camping equipment, 6kg handluggage.
Further we took the train (V-line) from Melbourne to Sale bike are alowed (small charge).
Only at the beginning and at the end of the holiday we stayed 2 days in the Victoria hotel in Melbourne.
For the remaining days we stayed on campsites (5 times wild camping). In march 2005 it was about 5 to 35°C. Only one night it was about frezing (ice spots on tent so take you warm sleping bag with you!)
Road conditions
All major road are very good. But we took as much the gravel roads. Helmets are compulsory, but ony when the police is around ;-).
Cars are mostly friendly and give you space. But watch the logging trucks the drive like crazy on gravel roads.
- GPS map=mapsource worldmap
- The high country-Victoria 1:300 000 Hema maps, Very Nice map
Food / Supplies
Supermarkts can be found in cities, but also in some touristic small villages.
Planning is needed, take for >3 days (esp in the small mountain road inbetween cities there is notting)