
Pieltje is my cycling mate he joined me on a lot of trips. Enjoy his
fancy website!
keywords: cycling, routes, photos, stories
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Thomas the german (reisen-mit-und-ohne-rad)
On the summit

For nepal trekking see this page....
keywords: hiking, photos, stories
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Pieltje and I met Thomas at our trip in Alaska. He just started his big
journey Alaska to Panama. Find out details your self at his website.
Full day by day story in german + lots of photos.
>keywords: german cyclist, alaska to panama on a bike
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Jasper UK cyclist living in Japan

Jasper joined us one day during our trip in Japan. This guy can tell a lot of funny stories about Japanese (company)life and likes cycling.
keywords: onsen, tandem, Japan, Nagano
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Vereniging de wereldfietser
Dit is een te gekke club speciaal voor fietsvakantie, mooi blad veel inspiratie!!
>keywords: magazine, forum, landen info, club dagen, veel meer....
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